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Here at Ashton Valley Fresh we are not only concerned about our local community but our larger footprint as well. That is why our ongoing mission is to create an entire chain of production with as little environmental impact as possible.

Here is what we are up to:

Permanent Netting

Starting with Nairne we are erecting permanent netting over our orchards. This reduces water evaporation by 50% and protects the fruit from pests such as birds, as well as severe weather events like hail.

Stock Feed

We don’t like wasting any of our fruit even after every drop of juice is pressed from it, so we take the solid pomace & use it for livestock feed
(Nonno Ralph’s cows love it).

Irrigation Probes

We use underground probes in our orchards to monitor water levels in the soil. This way we no longer rely on the appearance of the soil but on accurate readings to gauge wetness. Doing this ensures we don’t use any more water than we need to.

Reduced Water Waste

Under the harsh Australian sun we need to be conservative with our irrigation systems to reduce water loss. We use drippers instead of sprinklers to disperse the water so that we know it’s going directly where it’s needed.

Recycled Water

We have an onsite wastewater treatment plant which effectively treats all process waste water and allows it to be used to irrigate our orchard.

Solar Panels

We cover most of our apple packing and juicing sheds with solar panels. This reduces our fossil fuel footprint and allows for economic efficiency.

Recyclable Packaging

Our juices aren’t just bottled in glass so that they taste better. The bottles, along with their metal caps, are 100% recyclable.

Research & Development

We are continuously seeking new ways to improve our sustainability plan. Through working with our customers, the University of Adelaide and APAL we are able to learn from each other and build a greener future.

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